Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Maršal Franše Depere u Beogradu (1936)  
  Marshal Franchet d'Espčrey in Belgrade  
  id # JK-EFG141    
   Jugoslovenska kinoteka  
  jezik n/a , 1936., 35mm, B&W,   trajanje  13:00"  
  Franše D'Epere/ Franchet d'Esperey Louis, (1856-1942), francuski maršal, komandant Savezničke vojske na Solunskom frontu od juna 1918, tvorac odlučujuće pobede nad Bugarima koja je umnogome skratila tok Prvog svetskog rata. Veliki prijatelj srpskog naroda i njegove vojske, proglašen je 1921 godine za počasnog vojvodu Jugoslovenske vojske, kao jedini stranac. Ostareli i bolesni ratni velikan je poslednji put posetio Jugoslaviju 1936 godine, kada je napravljena reportaža u produkciji Jugoslovenskog prosvetnog filma. Na železničkoj stanici u Beogradu su ga sačekali predstavnici jugoslovenske vojske i diplomatskog kora, a zatim je posetio Oplenac, gde se u prisustvu velikog broja Šumadinaca poklonio senima svog ratnog druga, Blaženopočivšeg kralja Aleksandra I. Potom je maršal D'Epere prisustvovao otkrivanju sopstvenog spomenika u društvu predsednika vlade Milana Stojadinovića, a nakon posete Vojnoj akademiji i smotri kadeta, na kraju je obišao i položio venac na Spomenik i grobnicu srpskih ratnika iz Prvog svetskog rata na Novom groblju.

Franchet d'Espčrey Louis, (1856-1942), the French Marshal in command of the Allied armies on the Thessaloniki front (Salonika front) in June 1918 and creator of the crucial victory over the Bulgarians, which considerably shortened the course of World War I. A great friend of the Serbian people and its army, in 1921 he was proclaimed as the honorary Vojvoda (Duke) of the Yugoslavian army, being the only foreign military man with this title. He visited Yugoslavia for the very last time in 1936, already an old and sick great man of war when this coverage was made in production of the Yugoslav Educational Film. At the railway station in Belgrade he was welcomed by representatives of Yugoslavian army and diplomatic corps and then he went on to visit Oplenac where he paid reverence to his war comrade, late King Alexander I, in presence of a large number of people from Šumadija. Afterwards, Marshal d’Espčrey attended the unveiling of his own monument in the company of Milan Stojadinović, the President of the Government; after visiting the Military Academy and attending cadets` parade, he finally visited and laid the wreath on the Serb ossuary (monument and tomb of the Serbian soldiers from World War I) at Novo groblje.
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