Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Osvećenje hrama slave u Skoplju  
  Sanctification of the Temple of Glory in Skopje  
  id # JK-EFG103,    
  Produkcija nepoznata; Jugoslovenska kinoteka  
  jezik/language srpski , 1940., 35mm, B&W  trajanje/duration 2:58"  
  Jedan od poslednjih filmova o kralju Aleksandru Karađorđeviću prikazivanih u 1934, godini njegove tragične smrti. Zadužbina kralja Aleksandra, spomen crkva Sv. Arhanđela Mihaila sa kosturnicom – Hramom Slave koja se nalazi ispod cele površine crkve, podignuta 1928. godine, a ikonopisana je tokom 1933. kopijama najznamenitijih fresaka srpskih srednjevekovnih manastira. U kosturnici su sahranjeni posmrtni ostaci tri hiljade i dvesta srpskih ratnika iz Stare i Južne Srbije, pripadnika Vardarskog, Bregalničkog, Kosovskog i Ibarskog puka. Osvećenje Hrama slave izvršio je lično srpski patrijarh Varnava, rano ujutru 27 maja 1934 godine. Film međutim prati kasniji dolazak kralja Aleksandra u Skoplje istog dana, gde su ga na železničkoj stanici dočekali komandant III armijske oblasti general Milan Nedić, načelnik štaba general Leon Rupnik te gradonačelnik Skoplja Josif Mihailović. Potom je kralj Aleksandar prisustvovao pomenu palim ratnicima na vojničkom groblju Hrama Slave. Pomen je služio patrijarh Varnava uz učešće skopskog mitropolita Josifa, episkopa ohridskog Nikolaja i zvorničko tuzlanskog Nektarija. Uz kralja Aleksandra pomenu su prisustvovali i predsednik vlade Nikola Uzunović, članovi vlade i senata, poslanici i gradonačelnici Beograda, Zagreba, Novog Sada i Skoplja. Po završetku obreda, pomen su održali i katolički i muslimanski sveštenici.

One of the last films about the King Alexander Karađorđević screened in 1934, the year of his tragic death. King Alexander Endowment, Memorial church of St. Archangel Michael with the crypt – the Temple of Glory, which is to be found underneath the whole church area, built in 1928 and icon-painted during 1933 by copies of the most renowned frescoes of the Serbian medieval monasteries. The remains of three thousand and two hundred Serbian soldiers from Old and South Serbia were buried in the crypt, members of the Vardar, Bregalnica, Kosovo and Ibar regiments. Lustration of the Temple of Glory was carried out personally by the Serbian patriarch Varnava, in the early hours of 27th of May 1934. The film, however, follows the arrival of King Alexander in Skopje on the same day, where he was welcomed at the railway station by commander of the III Army region, general Milan Nedic, Chief of Staff, general Leon Rupnik, and Mayor of Skopje, Josif Mihailovic. Then King Alexander attended the commemoration of the fallen warriors at the military cemetery of the Temple of Glory. The commemoration was served by the patriarch Varnava with the participation of the Skopje Metropolitan Josif, the bishop of Ohrid Nicholay and Nektarie, the bishop of Zvornik and Tuzla. Prime Minister Nikola Uzunovic, members of the government and Senate, deputies and mayors of Belgrade, Zagreb, Novi Sad and Skopje also attended the meeting with King Alexander. At the end of the ceremony, the commemoration was also served by catholic and muslim priests.
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